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Singing Success Review Ratings

When we set off to review Singing Success by Brett Manning, we were somewhat intimidated by the large number of CDs, and only 1 DVD and workbook. Than we quickly realized, that you don’t need DVDs to learn to sing better, you only need to listen. Actually, we ended up not really using the DVD that much, as the CDs offer the real value. All in all, the Singing Success System is made up of 17 lessons on 12 CDs, 1 DVD and an easy-to-follow workbook.

The course is very systematic, Brett starts with simple exercises and gradually moves up to more difficult ones. Every student starts out with the same simple exercises, the same exercises he teaches his most well-known students (stars). The CDs contain a series of intense exercises to build resonance in your facial muscles and nasal passageway. Soon after starting our review of the Singing Success System, we realized that while other courses are mostly talk, Manning’s approach is all action. After doing the initial exercises, you should already be singing in middle voice with improved timbre. We were impressed with the no-fluff approach, the detail of each lesson in the course and the way Brett walks the listeners through everything. Brett always has something interesting and useful to say, which makes this set of singing lessons useful AND enjoyable.

Singing Success is based on the SLS method (Speech Level Singing by Seth Rigg), with Brett applying his improvements to the system to overcome its shortcomings. SLS teaches singers how to use their “head voice”, so they use less vocal energy during a performance. Some people you might have heard of that use the SLS method are Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Michael Bolton, etc.

We could not leave listing the credentials of Brett Manning out of our review of Singing Success. Brett has worked with the casts of Broadway productions of Les Miserables and Jekyll and Hyde, as well as the Broadway tour of Elton John’s Aida. He has also worked and trained with artists from Capitol, Columbia, Atlantic, Interscope, Dreamworks, Lyric Street, MCA, Epic/Sony, KMG, Word, Embassy, Gotee Records, as well as countless independent record labels. Impressive to say the least.

Another notable fact is that while most websites have “raging reviewers” gasping about how great the given product is, the Singing Success website has reviews by multiple Grammy and Dove award winners, nominees, Broadway musicals casts, and other professional singers. They are the pupils of Brett Manning… not bad!


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What you’ll learn with the Singing Success System

The series of exercises and tips Brett gives will work wonders if you’re somewhat experienced at singing. Your voice will become more powerful, and your singing will audibly get more effortless. You’ll lose all strain on the higher notes with the exercises presented in the CDs, and you’ll probably erase you vocal break, so your range will be more fluent. The combination of the CDs, DVD and the booklet explain a wide range of vocal related topics, such as correct breathing technique, nutrition and health, vocal registers, the resonators of the body, vocal terminology, correct vowel patterns, and a lot more. The final CDs also teaches specific vocal style and technique!

Ease of Use

The effectiveness of the program is matched only by its ease of use. The lessons are very systematic, with their difficulty increasing as you move from one CD to the next. If you find you are having difficulty with something, than just listen to it again, and move on when you feel ready. You’ll find it easy to use and comprehend no matter whether you are in love with singing as a hobby, or an aspiring artist.

What You Get with Singing Success

  • 12 CDs
  • 1 DVD
  • 1 workbook.

The contents of the Singing Success CDs can be summarized as follows: The first 2 CDs are general practice drills, and suitable for beginners as well. CD’s 3-8 are aimed at improving your vocal technique. They are specifically designed to improve your voice and developing untrained muscles, by gradually improving your tone, range, vibrato and power. CDs 9-11 develop style and vocal licks for blues, R&B, pop, country, and gospel styles. Some of the things you’ll learn are bending notes and singing triplet notes. These style session CDs are very beneficial if you are looking to explore different styles, than develop your own style to your fullest potential. CD 12 contains 2 original songs to sing along to, so you can implement the techniques you learned during the course.


  • Very systematic approach to improving your singing technique
  • Very effective exercises we haven’t heard of before, that actually work
  • 6 month money bak guarantee, unrivalled in the industry


  • Altough it can be used by beginners as well, intermediate-advanced students will get the biggest benefit from this course.
  • The course does not lend itself well to rock vocals
  • More expernsive than other courses, but well worth the extra money if you want to bring the most out of your voice

Support Services of Singing Success

Online forum, telephone, and email support.


CDs play on any CD player, the DVD is region-free, so it will play on any stand alone or PC DVD player.


Six Month Money Back Guarantee, which is the longest period we’ve ever seen. If you are unsatisfied, simply return the product for a full refund.


  • One payment of $199, or
  • Two payments of $99, or
  • Four payments of $49.75, or
  • Seven payments of $28.43


With over 300 audio files on the CDs, an extensive DVD and an effective workbook, this singing course is by far the most extensive program we’ve seen and reviewed. Singing Success’ creator, Brett Manning is a professional singer and teacher, and it really showed during our Singing Success review. If you are serious about improving your voice, and want a proven vocal training program, the principles, concepts and training by Brett Mannings can’t be beaten. You only have to see his long list of Award Winning students to know that Singing Success does work.

The only downside of the program is the price, but hey, this IS the Mercedes of singing lessons, you get what you pay for. No matter what your level of talent, you WILL improve, which is guaranteed by the 6 month money back guarantee. Why spend $50-$100/hour, when Brett will teach the exact exercises he teaches the stars. This course is worth every penny, but if you are looking for a lower budget course, we recommend you look at our Singorama review.

Singing Success by Brett Manning is the best singing course we’ve ever come across, being of most benefit to intermediate-advanced singers.

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